Manuscripts should be submitted electronically. They must be written in a correct, clear English language.
Papers must not be published previously.
They must be in doc format. Manuscript which do not comply with the requirements will be returned for corrections. There are no deadlines for submissions. Please submit your full paper for peer review. The length of a manuscript can be up to 30 pages long.
We use blind review system throughout the peer-review process. Each submission is reviewed by several reviewers.
If your paper is accepted for publication, you will be asked to submit the license to publish agreement along with a processing fee.
Instructions to authors and guidelines for manuscript
1. Language
Manuscripts are accepted in correct English language. Authors are strongly urged to proofread their papers if they write not in their native language, since the inadequate command of a second language can blur the meaning of the text.
Formal names of institutions, either in texts or in the author affiliation data, should not be translated unless an officially accepted translation exists. Also, titles in references should be left in their original language.
Authors are solely responsible for obtaining permission to reproduce any copyrighted material contained in the manuscript as submitted.
The time needed to process a manuscript varies depending on the complexity of the subject matter and the availability of appropriate peer reviewers.
Accepted papers are submitted to editorial revision and may be changed if appropriate.
2. Guidelines for manuscript submission
2.1 General criteria for manuscript acceptance
The selection of material for publication in the International Scientific Journal is based on the following criteria:
- suitability for the journal's subject scope;
- scientific soundness, originality, and timeliness of the information;
Final acceptance or rejection of a manuscript is decided by the Editor-in-Chief, based on recommendations of reviewers and editors.
Manuscripts are accepted with the understanding that they have not been submitted elsewhere for publication, in part or in whole, and that in the future they will not be published or submitted elsewhere without express authorization from ISJ as the copyright holder.
2.2 Manuscript specifications
Manuscripts must be prepared using Microsoft Word template, characters printed in Times New Roman script. Figures may be in color or black and white, size 300 dpi.
Page Numeration
No page numeration should be on the pages of the submitted manuscript.
No links should be on the pages of the submitted manuscript.
For optimal printing, all images should be at least 300 DPI.
The manuscript's title should be clear, precise and include all the necessary information to identify the scope of the article.
When submitting a manuscript, all authors must register their full name, institutional affiliations, city and country, and contact information
The abstract should not include any information that does not appear in the main text. It should be written in the third person and should not contain footnotes or bibliographic citations.
2.16 Editing the manuscript
Manuscripts are accepted with the understanding that the publisher reserves the right to make revisions necessary for publication in the International Scientific Journal.
Manuscripts accepted for publication might be edited and then sent to the corresponding author to respond to the editors queries and to approve any revisions. If during this stage the author does not satisfactorily respond to the editors queries, the journal reserves the right to not publish the manuscript. To avoid delay in the publication of the corresponding issue, authors are urged to return the edited manuscript, with their approval, by the date indicated in the accompanying message.
The final version will be sent to the corresponding author for approval before publishing. Articles will be published in PDF and hard copy formats.